Provide services as promised or face fines, telcos warned

Oktober 31, 2021 10:22 MYT
Telecommunication companies will be fined if they fail to provide the services as promised to consumers, said Communications and Multimedia Minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa. - BERNAMA photo
KOTA BHARU: Telecommunication companies will be fined if they fail to provide the services as promised to consumers, said Communications and Multimedia Minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa.
He said the laws under the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) required each telco to implement the minimum standards that had been set.
He said that if they do not meet the minimum standards set, the MCMC has the authority to issue a warning to the company involved, including imposing a fine.
"In fact, MCMC now often goes down to the ground to look into the people's problems and grievances, either through information or complaints received directly or indirectly, including those which go viral on social media," he said.
He told reporters this after the launching of the Learning From Home for Higher Educational Institute Programme at the Kota Bharu Polytechnic (PKB) in Kok Lanas here today and which was also attended by YTL Communications chief executive officer Wing K Lee and PKB director Rosli Idris.
Elaborating, Annuar said his ministry had also created the National Digital Network (JENDELA) Map portal as a platform for the people to lodge complaints regarding coverage, broadband speed and so on.
"In order to obtain quick information on which areas are affected, we have created the JENDELA Map portal where the MCMC can conduct daily monitoring so as to carry out follow-up action, including repair works.
"Apart from that, we have also supplied equipment to all MCMC nationwide to carry out a review and random measurement of broadband speed of telcos as promised. At least this will make sure they are constantly on their toes and ready to improve their quality of service," he said.
He added that his ministry took a serious view of the matter since coverage involving telcos, including broadband, was a necessity for all levels of society.
He said that the matter, including the Act on telco services, would be tabled in parliament for improvement and tightening of existing laws so that they could be implemented more effectively.
"We do not want this matter to escape our attention, in fact so far some telcos have been fined. To improve telco services, including the quality of broadband services, we need to create a conducive ecosystem and get the cooperation of all parties," he added.
#Annuar Musa #telcos #failing in services #consumers #will be fined #English News