Police detain two men for masquerading as traffic policemen

Januari 6, 2016 11:29 MYT
Markandan said police believed there were other individuals involved in the activity.
Two men who masqueraded as traffic policemen to escort cars for a fee were detained by police in Jalan Bukit Bintang, Tuesday.
In the incident at 7 pm, the duo, both aged 38, were detained while escorting three luxury vehicles believed to belong to VIPs.
Kuala Lumpur Traffic Investigation and Legal Affairs staff officer DSP S. Markandan said both the suspects rode high-powered Honda CBX 750 motorcycles which were similar to those used by traffic policemen.
"They performed the duties of traffic policemen, namely, ordering road users to give them the right of way.
"The suspects wore the same jacket and helmet worn by traffic policemen," he told reporters at his office, Tuesday.
Markandan said preliminary investigations found the suspects carried out the activities by receiving payments from certain quarters.
"Both suspects are self-employed and masquerading as policemen is their supplementary activity," he said.
He said preliminary investigations found the duo had bought the auctioned police traffic motorcycles from third parties at RM9,000 each.
"They used the motorcycles just like the traffic policemen do. This is wrong under the law, we will interrogate them," he said, adding police were still investigating to determine how long they had been masquerading as traffic policemen.
Markandan said police believed there were other individuals involved in the activity.
He said the case was being investigated under Section 170 of the Penal Code for masquerading as policemen which provides for a maximum two years jail or fine or both, if found guilty.
#DSP S. Markandan #escort cars #masqueraded #police #traffic policemen