PN govt to be more sensitive, responsive towards Islamic NGO concerns - PM

September 19, 2020 18:01 MYT
Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin addressed the Prime Minister's Special Meeting with the Leaders of Non-Governmental Organizations (Islamic NGOs) at the Dewan De 'Seri Endon Puspanitapuri today, Sept. 19 2020. BERNAMApic
Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin in a meeting with Islamic non-governmental organisation (Islamic NGOs) leaders in Putrajaya today assured that the Perikatan Nasional government will be more sensitive and responsive to the concerns raised by them.
Muhyiddin said some Islamic NGO leaders have expressed their worries over major challenges faced by Muslims in Malaysia and around the world, especially on new developments in the way of life and thinking, which are seen as a threat to Muslim beliefs and moral values.
They include the influence of Western liberalism and secular ideologies which do not see religion as something important in human life, but instead glorify personal freedom to the extent of going against Islamic laws and teachings, he said.
"I too, have the same stance on the importance of giving priority to efforts in upholding the sanctity of Islam, empowering institutions that contribute to the progress of Muslims and strengthening the unity of the ummah," he said in a special meeting with Islamic NGO leaders organised by Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim) here.
Muhyiddin said the influence of the ideologies had created various forms of movements at the international level as well as in Malaysia, which demanded the implementation and enforcement of Islamic laws to be reviewed.
This includes movements demanding that parts of the Islamic law be repealed and practices that clearly deviate from Islamic laws such as LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) and deviant teachings be allowed, he said.
According to him, the developments have created anxiety among Muslims in Malaysia causing several Islamic NGO leaders to rise in defence of the religious faith and the position of Islam as the religion of the Federation.
However, in an effort to protect and defend the sanctity of Islam and the purity of the faith, Muhyiddin reminded not to take extreme approaches that could cause unrest in this plural society nation.
"The government will not compromise with any form of extremist practices that could threaten racial harmony, public order and national security, and firm actions based on the law will be taken against those who spread extremist practices and beliefs regardless of religion," he said.
Muhyiddin, meanwhile, hoped that the Malaysian Islamic Charity Council (MAIM) which was established in 2009 could be mobilised again by the new Yadim leadership in helping the government to strengthen dakwah and tarbiyyah efforts in the country.
MAIM was established with the consent of the then Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, to be the platform to coordinate Islamic NGOs in Malaysia.
Also present at the ceremony were Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs), Datuk Seri Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri and Yadim president Nasrudin Hassan, who presented a resolution from Islamic NGOs to Muhyiddin.
Muhyiddin said he was confident that the resolution handed over to him symbolised the concerns and commitments of Islamic NGO leaders in strengthening Islamic teachings and developing the ummah.
"InsyaAllah, I will review and give due attention to the recommendations that have been submitted," he said.
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