PM tables white paper to curb IS

Sathesh Raj
November 26, 2014 13:39 MYT
NAJIB: The new Act will be tabled at the next Parliament session
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak tabled a white paper at the Dewan Rakyat today, suggesting a new Act to curb the threat of Islamic State.
Najib said the new Act which will also take action against Malaysians involved in militant acts and terror acts, will be tabled at the next Parliament sitting.
The white paper also proposed to give more powers to existing Acts like the Security Offences (Special Measures) SOSMA, the Prevention of Crime Act (POCA) and the penal code.
He also called on all Malaysians to wok with the government in identifying and combating IS activities.
"I urge all Malaysians, particularly youths and parents, to reject extreme ideologies that can destroy our future. I really hope to get the support of the people at all levels in refraining from being influenced by such ideologies.
"The peace and harmony that we have achieved is too valuable and have to be preserved," he said.
#IS #Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib #White Paper