Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today suggested the setting up of a committee or task force to study and modify the public service delivery system to accelerate the country's economic recovery.

Speaking at a Townhall Session with Johor civil servants here, Muhyiddin said this move is necessary in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which calls for actions to be taken to enable a bureaucratic shift in the new situation.

“Each and every one of you is an officer bound by regulations… every task we handle is subject to regulations. We have service circulars, regulations related to finance, administrative matters and the like.

“I don’t deny they are important, but if we are only guided by these and do not take new measures, I’m afraid our efforts to revive the economy, what more to restructure, reform our economy, will not happen as fast as we hope for.

“As such, I would like to suggest, in the presence of the Chief Secretary to the Government Datuk Seri Mohd Zuki Ali, Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Hasni Mohammad and Johor State Secretary Datuk Azmi Rohani, the setting up of a committee or task force to study how the existing methods can be modified without compromising the main rules in terms of finance, etc,” he added. Also present was Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz.

Muhyiddin said civil servants could not contribute effectively to economic recovery efforts if they stick to the existing work procedures, and this would have an impact on the people.

“Johor has many attractive tourist destinations and recreational facilities. We need investors to continue investing and we need to pull in visitors to support the tourism industry, which is among the sectors badly hit.

“If we operate as usual in a relatively weak economy, without giving them support in certain processes like licensing and building approval, I'm sure you all know that it will have a bad impact on the economy of Johor and Malaysia.

“The support of government servants is necessary for dynamic economic recovery. I urge you to look into ways to help entrepreneurs and investors, so they will feel confident that the country's economy can recover quickly,” he added.

Muhyiddin reiterated that the government remains committed to fighting corruption and ensuring the country's security.

“For civil servants, the principle of integrity is of utmost importance. We at the federal level is committed to continuing to place the issue of combating corruption as our main agenda,” he said.