PM Najib's Aidilfitri message

Jun 24, 2017 15:03 MYT
PM NAJIB: with humility and kindness, I bring my palms together and seek forgiveness on behalf of myself and my beloved wife and family. -Bernama
Following is the English translation of the 2017 Aidilfitri message by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on the theme '1Malaysia Bonds of Association the Foundation for a Successful Nation'.
1. The awaited Aidilfitri has arrived. Allah (God) is great.
2. With the Ramadan sunset, the dawn of Syawal is set to rise.
3. Hence, after a month of fasting, abstaining from food and drink, we have also fought off other cravings and shown compassion towards the less fortunate who are often mired in hardship.
4. So, when the time comes, like every year, Muslims in Malaysia and all over the world, celebrate the Day of Victory, the festival of Aidilfitri, with gratitude and joy.
My beloved Malaysians,
5. With reference to Surah Al-Anfal Verse 60, which invites Muslims to stand up with all strength in every matter and with the guidance of intellectuals, truth will not prevail unless it is properly managed.
6. Islamic teachings always emphasise the importance of planning and order, regardless of whether it is worldly affairs or the hereafter, especially in dealing with the realities of the contemporary world.
7. Going by these teachings, in this year's Aidilfitri message, I wish to touch on five new risks and challenges that we need to face:
8. First: The Issue of Geopolitics. In this regard, Malaysia is facing a serious challenge of a new world of geopolitical risks, among them the crisis involving the Islamic countries of the Gulf, North Korea's nuclear programme and the implications from Brexit.
9. Of course, all of these developments have to be examined carefully because, if the crises cannot be resolved immediately, they can undermine the prosperity of the nations in the region and the world.
10. Second: The Question of Peace and Security. Over the last few weeks, there have been numerous cases of explosions and bombings in public places around the world by terrorist and extremist groups.
11. Among them in Manchester, London, an explosion in Jakarta, a car bomb explosion in Kabul and a fierce battle in Marawi, the Philippines.
12. Hence, I urge all the people in the country to avoid being influenced by the ideology of extremism and terrorism such as of the IS group and the Daesh militants, who have misinterpreted the concept of jihad in Islam, as well as to avoid any threat of external elements which may threaten national security.
13. Because, Islam is a religion of peace and prosperity. So, to uphold its sanctity, hold fast to The Authentic Islam, the pure teachings of Islam in the true sense.
14. In addition, in the cyber era of the widespread social media, Muslims need to intelligently screen information and threats of defamation and false accusations disseminated by irresponsible parties, by thoroughly investigating any news before making the decision to believe it.
15. Nevertheless, I am grateful that the country continues to enjoy peace. In fact, based on the Global Peace Index 2017, Malaysia has managed to maintain its position as the third safest country in the Asian region and the 29th safest of the 163 nations in the world.
16. So much so that King Salman Abdulaziz Al-Saud himself has consented to and extended full support to the establishment of the King Salman Centre for International Peace in Malaysia.
17. At the same time, besides regarding Malaysia as the role model among Islamic countries, His Majesty King Salman also praised the country for very successfully practising 'wasatiyyah' (moderation), which is based on Maqasid Syariah.
18. On the other hand, in the name of the Islamic world and the global humanity, Malaysia will continue to strive to struggle for the oppressed everywhere in the world, while offering the appropriate special assistance to the Palestinians, the ethnic Rohingya refugees and the people of Syria.
19. Therefore, on this occasion, let us extend our appreciation and admiration to all national servicemen and security personnel who have devotedly sacrificed day and night serving throughout the country, whether along the borders or in the ESSZone.
20. While celebrating this festival, I express my sympathies and, on behalf of the Government, record my condolences to the families of the two RMAF pilots, Major Mohd Hasri Zahari and Major Yazmi Mohamed Yusof, who were killed in the crash of the Hawk 108 aircraft in Kemaman, Terengganu, recently.
Fellow brothers and sisters,
21. The third is the economy. Despite the global economic uncertainty, Alhamdulillah (Praise be to God), recently, our economy grew at an extraordinary rate of 5.6 per cent in the first quarter of 2017, compared with the 4.5 per cent growth in the fourth quarter of 2016.
22. In fact, in March 2017, for the first time in history, the value of exports reached RM80 billion, whereby exports grew by 24 per cent to RM82.63 billion, the highest monthly export achieved. Export performance has also recorded a double-digit growth for four consecutive months since December 2016.
23. We are grateful that Malaysia has been recognised by international firm BAV Consulting & Wharton School of the United States as the best country for investors in 2017.
24. Also, several weeks ago, Forbes magazine placed Malaysia at the top of all Asian countries in terms of foreign investment.
25. In fact, 2017 has also seen the announcement of investments valued at RM31 billion by Saudi Aramco in the Pengerang Integrated Complex in Johor, which is the largest single foreign investment ever in Malaysian history.
26. Nevertheless, we are not going to be easily satisfied and feel comfortable with these successes. On the contrary, the Government will continue to lead Malaysia to implement value-added economic activities to ensure that the nation remains competitive in the global economy.
My beloved Muslims and Malaysians,
27. Shortly after Syawal will come the Haj season. Alhamdulillah (Praise be to God), as a result of my discussion with King Salman, His Majesty has consented to raise the official quota of Malaysian Haj pilgrims from 27,900 to 30,200.
28. In addition, His Majesty has agreed to also give serious consideration to Malaysia's application for land to be leased for the construction of accommodation complexes for the use of Malaysian Haj pilgrims in the future.
29. Fourth: Placing the People's Interests First. To ease the cost of living of the people, especially those in the B40 and M40 groups, the Government has been striving hard to disseminate various forms of assistance and initiatives such as BR1M, People's Housing Projects, Affordable Homes, PPA1M, PR1MA, 1Malaysia Clinics, 1Malaysia People's Shops, public transportation and various other subsidies, either directly or indirectly.
30. In providing comfort and more integrated connectivity to the community, infrastructure projects such as My Rapid Transit (MRT), Pan Borneo Highway, High Speed Rail, LRT Extension, East Coast Rail Link or ECRL are also being implemented vigorously.
31. In fact, at the onset of Ramadhan, the Government gave out payments under the second phase of BR1M, which benefits seven million recipients in 2017.
32. In addition, for the estimated 1.6 million civil servants, I also announced a Special Aidilfitri Aid of RM500, and for Government pensioners, RM250.
33. Likewise, FELDA settlers also received a Lebaran Aid of RM500 and a dividend of RM280 from FGV.
34. Hopefully, all this help can, at least, ease the burden and raise the joy of all in welcoming the advent of Syawal.
35. Fifth: The future and TN50. Looking forward to the future, the contemporary world is now on the verge of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
36. In tandem, for the future of the nation in moving towards TN50, I would like to see the birth of a credible generation par excellence with individual, communal and national resilience in line with Ekspresi Negaraku Malaysia.
37. At the same time, praying that we will be successful in buttressing a prosperous Malaysia in the ranks of the world's 20 most advanced countries. Insha-Allah (God willing).
My beloved Muslims and Malaysians,
38. In conjunction with this joyous day of Aidilfitri, let's strengthen solidarity and association among ourselves, set aside all differences, and enjoy the existing harmony under the 1Malaysia bonds of brotherhood.
39. Of course, excitement is evident especially when The World Happiness Report 2017 recognised Malaysia as the second country in Asia and the 42nd among 155 countries in the world with the happiest population.
40. So, on this great day, let's visit our parents who would be longing to see the return of their children from far out there.
41. Visit relatives, friends and neighbours, invite friends of various races, visit homes to partake of food, and forgive one another.
42. For those driving back to your villages and hometowns, exercise caution on the road, and drive carefully to arrive safely at your destinations.
43. Lastly, with humility and kindness, I bring my palms together and seek forgiveness on behalf of myself and my beloved wife and family. Should there be any misunderstanding, do not harbour it, as the Malay 'pantun' (verse) goes:
'Kalau ada jarum yang patah,
Jangan disimpan di dalam peti,
Jika ada khilaf dan salah,
Bersamalah kita saling memaafi.'
(Meaning, let's forgive one another for any wrongs or misunderstandings)
Allahu Akbar (God is great)
#1Malaysia Bonds of Association #aidilfitri message #Najib Tun Razak #syawal