Platform for youths to 'speak' to the PM

Haider Yutim
Mei 18, 2013 05:51 MYT
In an effort to create an opportunity for young Malaysians to discourse with speakers, Persatuan Pemuda Negara Malaysia in collaboration with the Malaysia Social Media Chambers held a forum so that the matters can be brought up to the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak recently.
Its president, Shahul Hameed Dawood said the information gained via the discourse will be used to draft a memorandum which will be presented to Najib himself.
He added they will also conduct a nationwide survey of 100,000 respondents on various questions of grave concerns to all Malaysians which will also be presented to the Prime Minister.
“We will work on the draft and the memorandum will be given to the Prime Minister on Tuesday next week,” said Shahul when met by Astro Awani.
The forum entitled ‘Leading the Nation Forward Post GE13’ among others discussed about Barisan Nasional (BN) having reduced majority and not getting the popular vote, what can do differently for the next GE, and whether the nation’s transformation plan is on track towards helping Malaysia achieve high income.
Among the speakers present were Khairy Jamaluddin, Datuk Ti Lian Ker, UKM's Institute of Ethnic Studies principal research fellow, Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria, and election lawyer Datuk Jahaberdeen Mohamed Yunoos.
Meanwhile, MCA Central Committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker applauded the forum, seeing it as a platform for youths to and speakers to discuss certain issues in an open and sincere way.
“I see that the participants of this forum are opened and sincere, which is different from other forums conducted under the name of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) but somehow are more towards bashing and criticising,” he said.
He also described the forum as more towards understanding the problems and finding the solutions as well as seeking the middle way in sensitive issues like race and religion.
#shahul hameed dawood #youth