PKR's #BantahGST campaign: One million signatures against GST

Sathesh Raj
April 11, 2015 20:58 MYT
If people are not satisfied they should make use of channels provided such as signing the petition to pledge their plights over GST.-Astro AWANI/SATHESH RAJ
Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) today launched the #BantahGST campaign aimed at garnering 200,000 signatures by May 1.
The campaign is launched with the intention to increase public awareness on the impact of Goods and Services Tax (GST) and it is hoped to reach one million signatures calling for the Malaysian government to abolish GST.
PKR leading the signature campaign said during the Saturday's launch, the petition has attracted to obtain 15,000 signatures in five days.
If authenticated, the collection of the one million signatures would deal a symbolic blow to the present
administration that critics say has been unable to effectively deal with the rakyat's woes including rising cost of living after the GST implementation.
"We are targeting a total of 200,000 signatures by May 1 and if we can obtain one million signatures, it is hoped that the government will realise that there are many pressing concerns with the implentation of GST," said Bayan Baru MP, Sim Tze Tzin at a press conference here.
Bayan Baru MP who is also the Director of Strategic Department of PKR, Sim Tze Tzin seen in Damansara toll area while distributing #BantahGST car stickers.- Astro AWANI/SATHESH RAJ
Kapar MP, G Manivannan who echoes the sentiments of former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the people should be wise in tackling and understanding the issues at hand to avoid being constantly suppressed.
Manivannan claimed that in the parliament there are ministers who feel that the rakyat is coping well even after the GST implementation.
"There were ministers who said there have been fewer complaints from the public about the GST and that it is well-received by the people," said Manivannan, who is the chairman of the consumer bureau.
He added, “If people are not satisfied they should make use of the channel provided such as signing the petition in order to pledgle their plights over GST.
“This in turn would most likely urge the government to take appropriate action and if there is strong pressure from the people GST would most likely retracted”.
A supporter of the #BantahGST campaign can be seen in the Damansara toll vicinity carrying a banner with the messsage bearing 'Abolish Draconian Tax' that exploits the vulnerable sect of society. - Astro AWANI / Sathesh RAJ
The campaign will also be held throughout the country aimed to raise awareness about GST that is purported to cause burden on the rakyat. #BantahGST organisers said the campaign will be held in Miri, Sarawak on Sunday.
It is understood that the party will mobilise all its assembly members, heads of branches and lawmakers across the country including Sabah and Sarawak in driving the success of the campaign.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak on Thursday replied to questions on several issues raised by various quarters, including concerns raised by former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in a special interview session which was aired on Thursday night.
He said while addressing the issue of exploitative traders, “If they are not supposed to charge GST, report them to the ministry of domestic trade. Here lies the power of the consumer. We must know that we have the power.
“Firstly, we could choose any shop to buy goods or go to any eatery, we could choose. The irresponsible traders are the ones who raise prices unnecessarily, and then blame the government.
“Don't go to these shops. There are many other shops. Other alternative shops. Secondly, we must report to the ministry and the customs. So use our power as consumers. Sooner or later, those who exploit this situation will lose their buyers”.
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##BantahGST #g manivannan #GST #Sim Tze Tzin