HULU SELANGOR: Things got slightly heated in Kedah, but other than that the 2022 PKR election physical re-voting process involving six divisions in four states ran smoothly.

The six divisions were Dungun, Marang and Kemaman in Terengganu; Hulu Selangor (Selangor); Padang Serai (Kedah) and Pensiangan (Sabah).

With this development, the unofficial results will now be published on the party's official website within 24 hours, party officials said.

In SELANGOR, the re-voting process for the Hulu Selangor division was completed at 5.15 pm without any provocation or disputes.

Selangor PKR Election Committee Coordinator (JPP) Mazli Saring said 1,937 party members began voting from 9.15 am at the Kalumpang Community Hall in Kerling, here.

The party polls in Hulu Selangor had to be re-held today after the one initially held on May 21 was disrupted due to a lack of facilities such as tables and chairs.

In TERENGGANU, the re-voting process involving three divisions, namely Kemaman, Dungun and Marang, also went smoothly without any problems.

State Leadership Council (MPN) chairman Azan Ismail said the re-election process in Marang today only involved candidates for key central-level positions.

In KEDAH, the voting process for the Padang Serai division went smoothly despite some squabbles outside the polling station at Dewan Sri Karumariamman Paya Besar, in Lunas.

Kedah JPP coordinator Datuk Rashid Din said there were arguments outside the polling centre, but the situation was put under control and the voting process went ahead smoothly.

In SABAH, the re-voting process for the Pensiangan division held at the Kampung Malampoi Longhouse, Nabawan and Gardan Homestay in Keningau also ran smoothly.

Physical voting in all six divisions was held last week, but had to be redone due to several problems including technical issues.

The PKR polls will proceed now with online nominations for the 20 members of the Central Leadership Council (MPP), the Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) leadership council and the Women's Leadership Council from tomorrow until May 31.