Tithe payment in the state of Perlis has been set at RM6.50 per person this year compared with RM6.00 last year, said chief executive officer of the Perlis Islamic Religious Council (MAIPs), Abdul Malik Hussin today.

He told Bernama here that the increase of fifty sen was due to the rise in the price of rice besides the fact that MAIPs felt that Muslims were better able to make such a payment.

He said the tithe could be paid beginning the first day of Ramadan until before the Aidilfitri prayers.

He reminded all household heads or anyone wishing to pay the tithe to do so to collectors appointed by the relevant bodies or authorities as stipulated by Islam.

Abdul Malik said if all Muslims fulfilled their responsibilities, MAIPs could collect RM850,000 in terms of tithes this year compared with RM800,000 collected last year.