Penang government denies approving nude sports

Astro Awani
Ogos 5, 2014 07:51 MYT
Penang state government has never allowed any nude sports to be held. - Screen capture Photos
The Penang state government has never allowed any nude events to be held in the state, said chief minister Lim Guan Eng to Malay Mail in an interview on claims that a nudist event titled, 'Malaysia Nude Sports Games 2014' allegedly organised in Teluk Bahang some two months ago.
"We do not allow casinos in this state as well as any negative activity including naked sports like this," said Lim in the interview.
Lim was commenting on a video containing footage of 18 people - allegedly recorded during a nudist event at a secluded area of the shores at the island's Teluk Bahang. The five minutes and 22-second clip has gone viral since it started circulating on social media on Tuesday.
The video was allegedly recorded during a nudist beach side party at Teluk Bahang in Penang
Titled "Malaysia Nude Sports Games 2014", the video which was uploaded on Vimeo portrayed nude eight men and three women aged between 30 and 45, dabbling in games at a resort.
The event has caught the attention of several blogs which have stated that the event was organised by the Nude Penang Sports Club and 'approved by the state government'.
The video contains footage portraying a group of men and women dabbling in games at a resort
#Lim Guan Eng #Malaysia Nude Sports Games 2104' #nude sports #Penang