Peace and harmony a pride for Malaysians

Disember 23, 2012 06:15 MYT
The peace and harmony enjoyed by Malaysians in the country is an achievement to be proud of and should be celebrated by all during this Christmas and at all major national festivals, social activist Datuk Seri Ang Lai Soon said today.
He said, as a nation, the people were recognised as being tolerant to the religious beliefs of their fellow citizens, eschewing the intolerance shown so often in other parts of the troubled world while the diversity of languages was a strong bond both within the communities and with the world in general.
"It sets an example for those parts of the world now driven by differences to follow. This is peace and goodwill in action that warrants a celebration," he said in a statement here.
He said the authorities had shown from time to time that religious militancy and intolerance would not be tolerated in Malaysia, which was a most significant aspect that had made the country a comparatively peaceful one in a region where unrest, turmoil and violence was a way of life.
He said the fact that all Malaysians were able to celebrate Christmas, Hari Raya, Lunar New Year, Gawai Dayak, Deepavali, Baha'i and Buddhist festivals peacefully and in a civilized manner was a reflection of the wisdom and maturity of all ethnic and religious groups in this multi racial country.
"We are also a multi-lingual nation with Malay as the national language. Our international trade and overseas connections benefit from the wide use of other languages such as Chinese, English, and Hindi, whilst local languages such as Iban, Kenyah, Kayan and Bidayuh in Sarawak, Kadazan in Sabah, and the Aboriginal or Asli languages spoken by the Orang Asli in the peninsular bond their communities," he said.
#Datuk Seri Ang Lai Soon