YAN: PAS' Dewan Ulama (DUPP) today approved a motion today on unity of the Ummah through cooperation with UMNO and Bersatu and to reject any form of electoral pact with Pakatan Harapan (PH) in the 15th general election (GE15).

The motion was passed at its Muktamar (annual assembly) here today by over 150 of its delegates ahead of the party's full assembly at the Kedah PAS complex in Alor Setar over the weekend.

Kelantan DUPP delegate Tuan Mohd Saripudin Tuan Ismail, when presenting the motion, said PAS plays a proactive role in uniting Malay and Muslim-based political parties and non-governmental organisations.

"This is to ensure Malay-Muslim political strength is consolidated through the unity of the Ummah. There must be straight fights to avoid Malay-based parties pitting against each other in Malay-Muslim majority areas and causing a split in votes, which will only benefit PH.

"This is also increase the number of Muslim-majority seats to reflect the Malay-majority population in the country," Tuan Mohd Saripudin, who is Selising assemblyman, said.