Pandan Umno leader gets stay of jail sentence

Januari 10, 2013 08:48 MYT
STAY GRANTED: The High Court allowed Abd Ghanis' application for a stay of jail sentence - File pic
The High Court here today allowed an application for a stay of the eight year jail sentence imposed on Pandan Umno division leader Abd Ghani Ismail who was found guilty of 10 counts of corruption, involving RM193,512.
In allowing the stay, Justice Datuk Amelia Tee Hong Geak Abdullah, however ordered the bail amount to be increased, from RM23,000, to RM46,000.
Earlier, lawyer Datuk Jahaberdeen Mohd Yunus, representing Abd Ghani, informed the court that his client had paid the RM977,560 fine imposed by the Sessions Court.
Abd Ghani, 46, paid the fine yesterday. Last Dec 28, Sessions Court judge Rozilah Salleh sentenced Abd Ghani to a total of 44 years' jail and fined RM977,560 after finding him guilty of 10 counts of bribery, involving RM193,512, between May 2006 and March 2007.
However, he was required to serve only eight years' in jail as Rozilah ordered some of the jail sentences to be served concurrently.
Abd Ghani was sentenced to five years' jail and fined RM120,945 on the first count for soliciting a bribe of RM24,189 from a contractor, Abdul Rahman Yaacob (now deceased).
The bribe was an inducement for helping Abdul Rahman to secure the tender for solid waste collection service at Taman Lembah Maju and Taman Kencana, as well as the tender for cleaning work at Pandan Cahaya, from the Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ).
The offence was committed at Restoran Islah Tomyam, Jalan 5/76B, Desa Pandan here about 9pm on Aug 4, 2006.
On the second and third counts, for accepting bribes, totalling RM24,189, also from Abdul Rahman, he was sentenced to three years' jail each and fined a total of RM120,945.
Abd Ghani was sentenced to five years' jail each and fined a total of RM725,670 on the fourth to the ninth charge for accepting bribes, totalling RM725,670 from Abdul Rahman.
For the second to the ninth charge, Abd Ghani was charged with committing the offence in front of Block E 15, Jalan 4/76B, Desa Pandan here between Oct 20, 2006 and March 31, 2007.
Rozilah ordered Abd Ghani to serve the jail sentences for the first nine charges concurrently.
On tenth count, Abd Ghani was sentenced to three years' jail and fined RM10,000 for accepting a bribe in the form of an appointment of Syarikat Lembah Rimbun, in which he had interest, as the sub-contractor to Dwisakti Mewah Sdn Bhd.
The appointment of the company was an inducement for him to help Dwisakti Mewah Sdn Bhd to secure the tender for solid waste disposal works in Bandar Pandan Indah from MPAJ.
The offence was committed at No. 27, Jalan Pandan 7, Pandan Jaya on May 1, 2006.
Deputy public prosecutor Muhammad Sinti prosecuted.
#Abd Ghani Ismail #Datuk Amelia Tee Hong Geak Abdullah