Packed programme for Malaysia at forthcoming UN general assembly session

Ogos 10, 2013 09:00 MYT
Malaysia will have a packed programme when the curtain goes up for the General Assembly of the United Nations for the next session which kicks off during the third week of September with the general debate being held from Sept 24 to 29.
The forthcoming General Assembly session will indeed be hectic because of the several initiatives taken by the General Assembly president, explained Datuk Hussein Haniff, the New York-based Malaysian permanent representative to the United Nations, in an interview.
Hussein, who spoke to Bernama before he departed for Malaysia and would be returning to New York before the General Assembly debate begins, said many heads of state and government were going to descend on New York to participate in the General Assemblys opening debate.
The Malaysian permanent representative, whose plate will be full during the forthcoming General Assembly session, said Malaysia can offer new ideas to the world body.
On Malaysias role at the United Nations, Hussein averred that Malaysia was viewed with great respect by other countries which listened attentively to what Malaysia has to say.
Malaysia is seen as a successful country. The world knows that we are focused and look at things with objectivity.
We have had an impressive record in sustainable development and the eradication of poverty," he said.
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, according to the Malaysian UN envoy, have often been saying that Malaysia is a development model for others to follow.
So, when we speak, others tend to listen ...," he said.
Malaysia will be expressing its views on a wide spectrum of issues. Members of the UN Third Committee (for Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs), had given good reviews about Malaysias work in that body, Hussein added.
#Datuk Hussein Haniff #General Assembly #United Nations