Over 40,000 fishermen can now enjoy Socso benefits

Ogos 9, 2020 18:17 MYT
Ronald was also confident that Socso would instate measures to extend insurance coverage to self-employed individuals in other agro-food industry sectors. - Astro AWANI / Shahir Omar
A total of 42,000 fishermen including those who are working independently in the fisheries sector, would be allowed to make contributions to the Social Security Organisation (Socso) under the Self-Employment Social Security Act 2017.
Agriculture and Food Industries Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ronald Kiandee said contributions under the Self-Employment Social Security Scheme (SKSPS) was to replace the fishermen's group insurance contribution through the Malaysian Fisheries Development Authority (LKIM), beginning Aug 15 (Saturday).
"Today is a historical day, because for the first time, self-employed workers in the fisheries sector are allowed by the Socso Act to contribute to Socso.
"This will open access to insurance protection for fishermen, with contributions taken from their cost of living aid allowance," he told reporters after officiating the Bukit Gantang Food Industry Mini Carnival 2020 and launch of the Fishermen's Socso Contribution scheme at the Bunga Raya hall in Changkat Jering, here today.
He said the proposed contribution amount is RM157.20 per year for all fishermen registered with LKIM, and who were eligible for the cost of living aid allowance.
"The contribution amount will be debited directly through the Fishermen's Incentive Programme (FIP) system in stages. For the initial stage, the deduction will begin on Aug 15 involving 3,879 fishermen nationwide," he said.
Ronald was also confident that Socso would instate measures to extend insurance coverage to self-employed individuals in other agro-food industry sectors.
Meanwhile, Socso chief executive Datuk Seri Mohamed Azman Aziz Mohamed said the SKSPS would provide cash benefits to contributors, besides medical treatment, physical recovery and vocational training.
"Under the scheme, their dependents or heirs are eligible for Dependent Benefits if the contributors die due to occupational disaster.
"Education loans are also provided for the contributors' children if they die, or while they are receiving Permanent Disablement Benefit," he said.
#fisherman #Ronald Kiandee #Social Security Organisation #SOCSO