#Nothing2Hide: 'Shh! ... Please be quiet Tunku Abdul Aziz', says Khairuddin

Wan Syamsul Amly
Jun 7, 2015 04:13 MYT
Former DAP vice-chairman Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim has been advised not to issue any mislead statements on the #Nothing2Hide dialogue, says Khairuddin. - File Photo
Former DAP vice-chairman Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim has been advised to hold his tongue and not to issue any misleading statements on the #Nothing2Hide dialogue which was called off at the 11th hour on Friday.
Former Batu Kawan UMNO vice-president Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan said Tunku Abdul Aziz is not qualified to issue any opinions on the dialogue and the many versions of the event was merely to cover up on what had transpired at the event.
“I want to advise Tunku Abdul Aziz to keep quiet because he is known as a "political prostitute" with no stature to comment on the event.
“Tunku Abdul Aziz tried to deceive the people. I was there since 7.30am and remained there until the event ended. From my observation, the event was peaceful and the attendees -- made up of several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) -- were a disciplined lot.
“How did he (Tunku Abdul Aziz) know and say there was tension at the event? He was one of the earlier guests to leave when former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was ushered to the stage by the organisers.
Khairuddin further reiterated that there had been a series of allegations hurled at the former country's premier to discredit his credibility.
Tunku Abdul Aziz was cited in a news portal saying that Tun Mahathir was responsible in creating tension among attendees at the forum.
Khairuddin said the situation was calm but chaos ensued after the event organisers officially invited Tun Mahathir to speak. Tun Mahathir obliged and went on to address the 1,500-guests in the ballroom. In a short span of minutes, the police demanded the veteran politician to stop his speech. This too, Tun Mahathir obliged.
READ: IGP denied getting orders from PM to cancel #Nothing2Hide
READ: #Nothing2Hide: Police cancels PM's event to 'maintain national harmony'
READ: Cancelling #Nothing2Hide not on Najib's or my order - Ahmad Zahid
“Tunku Abdul Aziz needs to prove at which time was the situation tense? Prove that Tun Mahathir took over the stage. The emcees announced that Tun Mahathir would be speaking and only then did he address the audience. So, at which juncture did the incident of taking over the stage as alleged by Tunku Abdul Aziz?
“When Tunku Abdul Aziz was DAP’s strongman, he strongly condemned UMNO and Barisan Nasional leadership. In fact, he is not entitled to make any comments on the countryman, who has ruled for 22 years with excellence and left behind a legacy.
“Tunku Abdul Aziz said he wanted to ask Tun Mahathir 10 questions but left when Tun Mahathir entered the hall. Was he scared?” Khairuddin said.
Earlier, Tun Mahathir has asked Tunku Abdul Aziz to take the opportunity as a member of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to conduct a full and thorough probe into whether he had misued federal funds during his 22 years in office.
Tun Mahathir also urged Tunku Abdul Aziz to apologise ifc no evidene is found involving the alleged misuse of federal funds when he was the Prime Minister.
Tun Mahathir also said the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had missed a golden opportunity to bring back the support and faith of the people through the #Nothing2Hide event.
READ: #Nothing2Hide: Najib missed the golden opportunity - Tun M
He said the event would have been the best platform for Najib to address the alllegations and issues raised by the people about him and his administration.
Tun Mahathir said, even he would have thrown his support behind Najib had the PM succeeded in providing a thorough explanation of the financial state of the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
Organisers of the #Nothing2Hide 'PM's Dialogue with NGOs' claimed the event was a failure due to excessive meddling by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's own senior officers.
READ: #Nothing2Hide: Organiser blames PM's senior officer for event failure
Malaysian Volunteer Lawyers Association (SukaGuam) chairman Datuk Khairul Anwar Rahmat in a statement said, because of that, the organisers were made 'scapegoats' and had to endure insults from various parties.
On Friday, the public dialogue was supposed to be held at the Putra World Trade Centre but was canned following an instruction from the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar citing security concerns as main reason of its cancellation.
##nothing2hide #Dr Mahathir Mohamad #Khairul Anwar Rahmat #Khalid Abu Bakar #SukaGuam #Tunku Abdul Aziz Tun Ibrahim