No maximum salary under transformative remuneration system

Mei 2, 2013 14:33 MYT
Chief Secretary to the Government (KSN) Datuk Seri Dr Ali Hamsa said maximum salary has become history after the government implemented the Transformative Remuneration System (SST) recently.
"For civil servants whose salary have reached the maximum, they will get three percent increment annually until retirement. As we move towards high income nation, the salary of civil servants will also increase in tandem with economic growth," he said at 1Malaysia Young Teachers Rally for Muar District at SMK Tengku Mahkota here Thursday.
Ali Hamsa said this was an improvement as previously, civil servants who reached the maximum salary could only enjoy increased salary when promoted.
"This is because there were not many positions to accommodate promotion because of the pyramid system," he added.
The good news was among SST initiatives announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on March 11, which also reward civil servants an annual salary increment on July 1.
On 1Malaysia Young Teachers Toolkit, Ali said teachers aged 23 to 40 years are agents and drivers of the Malaysian Education Development Plan (PPPM) 2013-2025.
Some 204,254 teachers or 49.5 percent of teachers nationwide may submit ideas, creativity, innovation and talent in their respective areas for the success of PPPM.
The initiative to unite stakeholders including parents and the community was to produce quality global human capital through schools.
#civil servant #Datuk Seri Dr Ali Hamsa #KSN #salary