No civil servants purchased 'BMW' number plates for luxury cars - PAC

November 6, 2014 00:16 MYT
NUR JAZLAN: No specific quota or privilege was given to civil servants on this matter.
The Public Accounts Committee was on Wednesday informed that no civil servants had purchased the 'BMW' special number plates for luxury cars.
PAC chairman Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed said no specific quota or privilege was given to civil servants on this matter and the list of owners of such a special number plate comprised mostly royalties and Cabinet minister.
"However, we have asked the Road Transport Department (RTD) to disclose the list even though they are in the opinion that the names should not be disclosed due to sensitivity.
"The RTD has also taken note that the list will be made public if there is an instruction to do so and they have no problem with that," he told reporters after chairing the PAC-RTD joint meeting at the Parliament building here on Wednesday.
The PAC called the RTD for explanation upon recommendations from the Auditor-General Department based on the its 2013 Report Series 2 which, among others, involved the delay in the opening of investigation papers regarding enforcement and MYSikap.
It was recently reported that the list of owners of the special 'BMW' number plates was disclosed in the social media, causing the public to question the their identity and credibility.
Nur Jazlan said the PAC was informed that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and Sultan had the rights and privileges to get seven special number plates.
"Prime minister and deputy prime minister can have two special number plates, while minister and deputy minister can have one for free throughout their tenure," he said.
Nur Jazlan said the RTD had also informed that it was up to those individuals to use the special number plates on their official or personal vehicles.
Overall, he said the PAC was satisfied with the RTD's explanations on issues and that the PAC believed that the department would take all the necessary measures to improve its service and enforcement.
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