Netizens abuzz over #SantaiWithIGP event

Syafique Shuib
April 9, 2015 02:08 MYT
IGP Khalid Abu Bakar is ready to meet the public in a casual event called #SantaiWithIGP. -Filepic
After being criticized by several parties over the police handling of several incidents, including the arrest of Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar is ready to hear what the members of the public have to say in a casual event called #SantaiWithIGP.
According to the spokesperson of the event known as Azura, only 20 participants will be selected to share their views with the IGP.
Those interested to attend the event will need to email their details to the organiser’s Twitter account.
“Many of us have so much to say on Twitter about the police force. Why not say it to IGP himself, face to face,” tweets the organizer via the account @LaraWitch.

many of us have so much to say on Twitter about the police force. Why not say it to IGP himself, face to face?

— Cruella DeMean (@LaraWitch) April 8, 2015
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If you want to exchange views with the IGP, then this is the session for you. Teh tarik while sembang with IGP.

— Cruella DeMean (@LaraWitch) April 8, 2015
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Netizens was abuzz over the event.
Many applaud the initiative taken by the IGP and see it as an opportunity to exchange views and have the IGP answer several questions:

I have at least 5 questions I wanted to ask IGP but afraid to tweet them. #SantaiWithIGP is my chance. And for a photo opp too, of course

— Asrul Muzaffar (@asrulmm) April 8, 2015
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It would be great to attend #SantaiWithIGP. Questions to IGP aside, hope @KBAB51 is kind enough to have a we-fie at the end of the session

— Asrul Muzaffar (@asrulmm) April 8, 2015
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This IGP twtup looks like more like collecting data to be honest. So real criminals u cant hide behind tw handles #SantaiWithIGP

— saroki (@saroki19) April 8, 2015
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@LaraWitch yes good effort. Rude is not our culture. Make way for critical thinking though #SantaiWithIGP #nothingtohide

— Mrs Grace Elebra (@mrsGraceElebra) April 8, 2015
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Letih, bosan jadi keyboard warrior yang hentam polis tapi tak puashati sebab takdapat jawapan betul? Joinlah #SantaiWithIGP kalau berani /p>— faizal (@f4izalhassan) April 8, 2015

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Renown journalist Rocky Bru says priority should be given to ordinary citizens.

@ezzthedon @n_izzah @rafiziramli Priority should be given to ordinary citizens. Politicians last. Congrats PDRM. #santaiwithigp

— Rocky's Bru (@xrockybrux) April 8, 2015
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Some however had their own doubts claiming that the event is a "trap" and that they could be caught for not following the IGP's order:

#SantaiWithIGP konon. Silap silap dia suruh duduk, lepastu kau tinggi suara cakap "saya nak berdiri, tak boleh?" pun dah kena tangkap lol

— Jabehat An Nusrakh (@penahitam88) April 8, 2015
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"@CiceroMax1: @saroki19 @imokman Should one bring a lawyer and bail money along?" And wear purple just in case #SantaiWithIGP /p>— saroki (@saroki19) April 8, 2015

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It's a trap! RT"@501Awani: KPN @KBAB51 ajak pengkritik bersemuka secara santai #SantaiWithIGP"

— Iskandar Fareez (@iskandarfareez) April 8, 2015
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Laaaa 20 seat je for #SantaiWithIGP ? Gendang riuh sekampung TwitterJaya macam ada 2000 seat. #facepalm

— Anti Rasuah (@KelantanMalay) April 8, 2015
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#SantaiWithIGP is scheduled to take place on May 19 in Shah Alam, although the exact location will only be known to the 20 participants selected to attend the event.
##SantaiWithIGP #IGP #Khalid Abu Bakar #netizens #social media