Negative public perception on security issues to be corrected - Johari

Ogos 12, 2015 07:23 MYT
JOHARI: Managing perception is important to restore public confidence and will indirectly attract investors to invest in Malaysia. - BERNAMA pic
The government wants to correct the negative public perception on security issues in the country when tabling the 2016 Budget.
Deputy Finance Minister, Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani said this was important because despite the declining crime rates, public perception on security and level of feeling safe indicated otherwise.
"Managing perception is important to restore public confidence and will indirectly attract investors to invest in Malaysia."
He said this to reporters after chairing the Focus Group Meeting on Enhancing Public Safety and Security at the Finance Ministry, here, today.
Johari said police had managed to reduce the overall crime rate by more than 40 per cent in the last five years but public feedback on feeling safe showed a drop from 47.5 per cent in 2011 to 39 per cent in 2014.
He said among the measures being considered to raise public confidence in security in the country was by increasing cooperation between the government enforcement agencies and the people at the grassroot level.
This could be done through the involvement of non-governmental organisations, rukun tetangga, residents associations and religious institutions, he added.
Johari said the negative perception on security was also exacerbated through the dissemination of false news on the social media, causing fear among the public over their safety.
#2016 Budget #crime #JOHARI ABDUL GHANI #security