National committee to tackle El Nino must be reactivated

Januari 14, 2016 23:56 MYT
Two children seen here playing at a water fountain in Putrajaya, recently. - Bernama photo
To monitor and make an early preparation to face El Nino which is taking place in the country, the National Committee To Tackle El Nino must be reactivated.
The Association of Water and Energy Research Malaysia (Awer) president S. Piarapakaran said the committee would ensure preparation in facing El Nino could be made in the best possible manner.
"If MOSTI (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation) feels El Nino has formed and and it may be at the moderate and high level, the committee must be activated to monitor and ensure we are prepared to face the phenomenon.
"We won't lose, if we are ready when the impact (of El Nino) is less. If the impact is high, maybe we can lessen it because we are ready..that's what is important. Instead of just waiting and looking at the impact until it worsens," he told Bernama here.
In the meantime, according to Piarapakaran, the current hot weather could worsen due to less forest coverage currently because of deforestation and leveling of hills for development.
"Even if the level of the current El Nino is the same as in 1997 and 1998, its impact will be bigger compared to the past due to reduced forest coverage and leveling of hills," he said.
He also opined that if a strong El Nino phenomenon continued until the arrival of the southwest monsoon, it would influence the rate of water storage in dams in the country.
This was due to the lower rainfall during the southwest monsoon season coupled by the effect of El Nino.
As such, he said past experiences when facing the El Nino phenomenon in 1997-1998 and the drought in 2014 must be a lesson and the nation must prepare earlier to avoid a bigger impact taking place.
Meanwhile, in KUALA KANGSAR, the residents of Perak were advised to drink a lot of water following the hot and dry weather due to El Nino.
State Health, Public Transport, Non-Muslim Affairs, National Integration and New Village Development Committee chairman Datuk Dr Mah Hang Soon said drinking a lot of water could ensure good health.
"The public should not expose themselves too long to the current hot and dry weather and avoid carrying out open burning," he told reporters here, Thursday.
In ALOR SETAR, Musa Agricultural Development Authority (MADA) chairman Datuk Othman Aziz said MADA would have ample water for the 2/2015 padi planting season despite the onslaught of El Nino.
He said the phenomenon had started to be felt when there was only 64mm of rainfall in December 2015 compared to the 20-year average of 98mm.
Nevertheless, he said MADA had made preparation to face the phenomenon since early 2015 and the water stored at the MADA Dams are at good levels.
As of 8 am yesterday, the level of water at the Pedu Dam was at 85.4 per cent, Muda Dam (89.44 per cent) and Ahning Dam (84.61 per cent).
"Currently, MADA too supplies 3,200 cubic feet of water per second from the dams for the rice industry. The rate exceeds the normal supply taking into account the current effect of the high temperature," he told a media conference at the MADA headquarters Thursday.
Meanwhile, in BATU GAJAH, State Public Utility, Infrasstructure, Energy and Water Committee chairman Datuk Zainol Fadzi Paharudin said the water supply in the state was adequate to face El Nino until March.
He said that based on the reports from the Perak Water Board (LAP) the water levels in all dams in the state were at normal levels and could still meet consumer demand.
"Consumers in Perak need not worry. Based on studies and report from LAP, our water supply will not be affected if drought takes place in the next three months," he told reporters here, Thursday.
#dry spell #El Nino #LAP #mada #March #MOSTI