Muhyiddin, UN sec-gen held in-depth discussions on Myanmar and Palestine issues - PMO

Mei 27, 2021 13:09 MYT
Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, today held in-depth discussions on the issues of Myanmar and Palestine. -- BERNAMA filepic
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, today held in-depth discussions on the issues of Myanmar and Palestine.
The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) in a statement said the discussion was held after Antonio contacted Muhyiddin by telephone, which shows UN's recognition of the important roles played by Malaysia in the issues of Myanmar and Palestine at international level.
"In the discussion, both leaders stated their regrets and concerns on the security in Myanmar which have not shown any positive development.
"On this issue, the Prime Minister said that Malaysia and other ASEAN countries held a meeting in April to find a solution on the conflict in Myanmar," said the statement.
Apart from that, Muhyiddin also held the view that UN and ASEAN could cooperate in looking for a resolution to the political crisis in Myanmar especially through the Five-Point Consensus reached during the ASEAN Leaders' Conference.
Malaysia also said that the appointment of a special envoy of ASEAN Chair is being finalised in the effort to seek a peaceful solution in the interest of the people of Myanmar.
Apart from that, the statement added both leaders also agreed that all parties involved should cooperate constructively with the aim of ensuring political and economic stability in Myanmar.
On the issue of Palestine, the Prime Minister and the UN Secretary-General also concurred that the sufferings of the Palestinians should stop immediately.
Both leaders regretted the violence inflicted by Israelite army on the Palestinians, and hoped the best solution should be found to ensure lasting peace for both sides, thus ending the conflict.
"On this principle, Muhyiddin stressed on the consistent stand of Malaysia in the establishment of a free and independent Palestinian nation from the occupation of Israel through the two-state resolution based on the pre-1967 borders with Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine," said the statement.
Muhyddin also expressed his relief as well as support in welcoming the ceasefire by both sides, Israel and Palestinian freedom fighters in Gaza as well as stating support for the efforts by UN and other countries involved so that the conflicting parties adhere to the ceasefire.
#Muhyiddin Yassin #UN Secretary-General #Antonio Guterres #Myanmar #Palestine #ASEAN #English News