Muhyiddin has not yet shown ability to lead nation - Tun M

Isabelle Leong
Januari 15, 2021 10:06 MYT
Dr Mahathir said a larger allocation was needed to address the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic in the country. - Astro AWANI/Shahir Omar
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is seen as still not showing the ability to deal with the country's problems even after the proclamation of emergency, said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
According to the Langkawi Member of Parliament, the proclamation of emergency gives great power to the Prime Minister besides stopping politicking.
However, from another aspect, the former Prime Minister said that the proclamation of emergency was a dictatorial move.
"Emergency is being used to eliminate democracy to give Muhyiddin full power without the opinion of others.
“He did not do many things to rule the country.
"The country's economy is deteriorating. Society is suffering from the steps taken.
“This MCO (Movement Control Order) means that many do not have income and food," he said in an interview on the ‘Breakfast Grille BFM’ radio program on Friday.
Dr Mahathir said democracy was sacrificed in order to give Muhyiddin full power to do whatever he pleases.
"We are no longer a democratic country. We sacrifice democracy in order to give Muhyiddin full power to do whatever he wants.
"For example, my party will not be registered. We cannot question because there is no way for us to appeal. In that regard, Muhyiddin is a dictator,” he said.
On January 7, the Registrar of Societies (RoS) Malaysia through a letter rejected the registration of the Parti Pejuang Tanahair (Pejuang) founded by Dr Mahathir.
Meanwhile, Dr Mahathir said a larger allocation was needed to address the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic in the country.
He said, it is because the hospital is now full and can no longer accommodate patients.
“The allocation to deal with the COVID-19 epidemic is now very small.
"We need a bigger allocation. We need more hospitals because it is said that the hospital is now full.
"In England, they can build a hospital in nine days and it can accommodate 4,000 patients," he said.
#Muhyiddin Yassin #Mahathir Mohamad #Prime Minister #United States #COVID-19 #parliament #emergency #politics