More national schools enrollment if English is made compulsory -- Tun M

Haider Yutim
Jun 18, 2013 21:25 MYT
Former Prime Malaysia Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today that if English language is made compulsory in the teaching of Science and Mathematics, it could draw more people to enroll in national schools.
Dr Mahathir, during a speech at the Perdana Leadership Foundation CEO Forum 2013, criticised the blooming of vernacular schools as being one of the main factor for disunity in the country.
"If we come together, if we speak the National language better, we should have less separation in the school system," said Dr Mahathir, pointing that the country should have a national school where everybody would attend.
He said by going to the same national school, it does not mean that other languages like Mandarin and Tamil would be discarded.
Tun Mahathir also said by everyone going to the same school, the chances of indication and keeping Malaysia stable would be better.
He also joked about wanting to become prime minister once again even for just a minute in order to restore the Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics (PPSMI).
He said nowadays, the races seems like moving away from each other, citing from the recent trend that had affected the political arena during the previous general election where the races each voted for their own kind.
"Initially we decided to support each others' party.... But Malays voted for Malays, Chinese voted for Chinese," said Tun Mahathir.
He said people now seemed to become more racist, and due to certain kind of politics, they don't come together as closed as how they should be.
Recently, 130 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) had demanded that the Government allow only one schooling system and alleged that vernacular schools were the main reason for disunity among Malaysians.
The NGOs also accused the blueprint for being illegal because it ‘contravenes provisions under the Constitution.
#Mahathir #perdana leadership foundation ceo forum 2013 #Tun M