MMA condemns ethnic cleansing of Rohingya

September 8, 2017 19:01 MYT
Rohingya refugees stretch their hands for food near Balukhali in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh on Sept 4, 2017. - REUTERS
The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) has condemned the genocide of the Rohingya in Rakhnie, Myanmar.
MMA, in a statement today, said each individual shall have the right to live with dignity, freedom of their religion, race and ethnicity.
It said as humans, the Rohingya also needed access towards education, health and other basic necessities to live peacefully in their country.
"The violence and struggles that they face in their homes such as killing helpless people including young children, rape of women and young girls, plunder of their properties are beyond humanitarian imagination," it said.
"Any inhumane acts bordering on ethnic cleansing and genocide towards them are strongly condemned," the statement said. -- BERNAMA
READ: PM Najib may bring Rohingya issue to Trump's attention
#Malaysian Medical Association #Myanmar violence #Rohingya