Minimum wages: HR Ministry to trace errant employers

Ogos 2, 2016 06:20 MYT
The ministry has launched a large scale operation to check private companies which have yet to implement the Minimum Wages Order.
Since Monday, the Human Resource Ministry has implemented a large scale operation to check 600,000 private companies in the various sectors to trace errant employers who have yet to implement the Minimum Wages Order enforced from July 1.
Deputy Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Mutalib said the ministry would not compromise on the matter as it had given ample time and opportunity to comply with the order.
"This is the second phase of the minimum implementation with a new rate of RM1000 in the peninsular and RM920 in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan, so if they are stubborn, the penalty awaits them.
"We have already conducted campaigns and awareness clinics for all employers nationwide so that they understand the implementation concept of these minimum wages," he told a media conference after feting Haj pilgrims from the Maran parliamentary constituency here Tuesday.
Ismail, who is also Maran Member of Parliament, said the implementation of the new minimum wages were decided jointly by all parties, including employers, workers and the government to ensure it did not burden any quarters.
#errant employers #Ismail Abd Mutalib #minimum wage