Since two weeks ago, residents of Pantai Bersih flats here have been getting sleepless nights, thanks to a series of bizarre attacks by millipedes.

Residents claimed the invasion of thousands of black and yellow-striped millipedes at the flats have been occurring for the past two weeks.

According to residents, the millipedes would enter their homes in the mornings.

Expressing his concern, cleaner Yusof Yahya said they are worried that the millipedes might cause harm, especially to children in the area.

"I sprayed pesticide but they didn't die. It seems that the more I sprayed, the more they came. I hope the authorities can do something about it fast. It might be dangerous to the children," said Yusof to Astro AWANI, here on Tuesday.

A survey at the area revealed the millipedes clogging the drains near the residents' homes and by the roadsides.

It is believed that the millipedes are the same species, which attacked Kampung Terengganu in Alor Setar last month.