MH370: Navy deploys KD Kasturi, KD Lekiu to southern corridor

Mac 20, 2014 02:05 MYT
The Royal Malaysian Navy's ships KD Kasturi and KD Lekiu sailed for the southern corridor late Wednesday to join the search and rescue operation for Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 which has now entered the second phase.
Fleet Operations Commander, vice admiral Datuk Abdul Hadi Abdul Rashid said the vessels formed the third group of assets deployed in the ongoing massive international search for the missing plane.
"We will conduct the operation in the southern corridor and south of Christmas Island.
"We will focus on the established points and our assets will implement the task of covering up to 1,800 nautical miles," he told reporters after flagging off KD Kasturi and KD Lekiu from the navy base here on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, over in Kajang, despite being busy campaigning for the state seat the Barisan Nasional (BN) by-election machinery made time to pray for the safe return of the passengers and crew onboard MH370.
The event was organised by MCA and led by party president Datuk Wee Ka Siong, BN candidate and party vice-president Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun and MCA vice-president Datuk Chua Tee Yong and other party leaders.
"Although the plane has been missing for 12 days now, we are constantly concerned for the welfare of the passengers' and crew's families," said Liow.
"MCA has also mobilised a group of volunteers to help counsel the affected families," he added.
#Abdul Hadi Abdul Rashid #Christmas Island #deploy #KD Kasturi #KD Lekiu #navy #RMN #southern corridor