Melaka tree: High nutritional value tree with many health benefits

Oktober 16, 2022 07:04 MYT
The Melaka tree (Phyllanthus Emblica), also known as Indian Gooseberry, is not only an important element in the history of Melaka, but it also has various health benefits and is now being commercialised. - BERNAMA
MELAKA: The Melaka tree (Phyllanthus Emblica), also known as Indian Gooseberry, is not only an important element in the history of Melaka, the state of the legendary Malay warrior Hang Tuah, but it also has various health benefits and is now being commercialised.
This herbal tree, which has been chosen as one of the icons of Melaka state, is rich in vitamin C and contains numerous properties, including stress relief, hair care, curing high blood pressure, and skin beautification.
A herbalist and therapist, Raja Andak Raja Husin, 63, so known as Pakndak, said he had conducted research and studies on the benefits of the Melaka tree since 2019.
The Pakndak Spa owner said the fruit (gooseberry) is used as the main ingredient in several of his products, such as massage oil and knee balm.
"I started my business in 2003 after retiring from Telekom Malaysia. I learn the techniques of massaging from various agencies, including the National Population and Family Development Board and the Majlis Amanah Rakyat," he told Bernama.
The Pakndak Spa occupies one of the booths at the Melaka edition of the Keluarga Malaysia Aspirations Tour (AKM Tour) held at the Melaka International Trade Centre (MITC) and visitors can treat themselves to a foot and body massage there.
Pakndak said the gooseberry, which has a sweet and bitter taste, can be eaten raw or use in the cooking of asam pedas, anchovy sambal and jelly.
He said although the tree is also found in other states, it grows well in Melaka, like at the Hang Tuah village, Ayer Keroh historic square, Jalan Kota Merdeka Warisan Complex and around MITC Ayer Keroh.
"This tree is also believed to have earned its name because of its historical value during the Melaka Sultanate," he said and praised the Melaka government for planting the tree along the river banks in an effort to promote Melaka tree as one of the state icons.
"We also want our young people to learn about this tree and study its characteristics," he added.
#Raja Andak Raja Husin #Melaka tree #various #health benefits #English News