MEF against paternity leave proposal

Astro Awani
Mac 25, 2017 07:00 MYT
SHAMSUDDIN: So, if we take away another 20 days, then woeking days a year is about 200 days only a year.
Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) said this is not the right time to implement fraternity leave for a month.
Its executive director Datuk Shamsuddin Bardan said it will only affect operational cost and company productivity.
He said in a five-working days environment as Malaysia, working days are only 220 days a year.
"So, if we take away another 20 days, then woeking days a year is about 200 days only a year. This affects company's operation cost and company's productivity.
He said taking into consideration of an average salary of RM2,800 a month, it would mean the cost would be about RM1.4 billion for a month of paternity leave," he told Astro AWANI.
He said such policies should not be introduced at economically-unstable time like this.
"Most companies face financial crisis, lower demand for business and goods. If such proposal is implemented, I am afraid Malaysia will not be a lucrative choice for investors.
"If implemented, it will be a drastic action and burdens employers," he added.
Currently, paternity leave depends on individual companies and not bound by any law.
He also called on more studies to be carried out if postnatal depression can be treated better if husbands are with their wives after delivery.
On Saturday, the MTUC had suggested that government and private companies offer a month of paternity leave with full salary to new fathers.
#Malaysian Employers Federation #MEF #praternity leave #Shamsuddin Bardan