Masjid Negara chief imam honoured to receive Perdana Maulidur Rasul award

Januari 3, 2015 09:51 MYT
Syaikh Ismail (sitting, centre) with (sitting, from left) Mohammad Azlan, Saleh, (standing, from left) Muhamad, Mohd Sakri, Mahamud, Nazrey, Hafidzi and Syarifah Hayaati at the event at Masjid Putra today. - BERNAMApic
Chief Imam of Masjid Negara, Tan Sri Syaikh Ismail Muhammad said being named recipient of the Anugerah Perdana Maulidur Rasul was the 'Khusnul Khotimah' (happy ending) of his career.
Syaikh Ismail, who celebrated his 71st birthday yesterday, said the award would serve as a motivation for him in serving the community as best as possible.
"I am very honoured to receive an award like this at this age when I am almost reaching the end of my career," he told the media after the Maulidur Rasul (Prophet Muhammad's birthday) celebration here today.
Ismail, who has served as chief imam at the national mosque since 2007, said the award was also a sustenance from the Almighty considering the fact that there were many other candidates more qualified to receive it.
He received RM50,000 in cash, a plaque and a certificate presented by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
Other recipients of the Maulidur Rasul awards this year were Syariyyah (Fatwa) Committee Member of the Perak Islamic Affairs Council, Datuk Saleh Mah@Ahmad; Arabic language Master of Ceremony at the International Quran Recital Competition, Datuk Mahamud Abdul and Humanitarian Care Malaysia chairman Prof Dr Hafidzi Mohd Noor.
University Malaya Associate Professor, Prof Dr Syarifah Hayaati Syed Ismail; freelance speaker Colonel Mohd Sakri Hussin; Raihan Group former singer Nazrey Johani, freelance preacher Muhamad Abdullah and paralympian Mohammad Azlan Mat Lazin also received similar awards.
They each received cash prize of RM20,000, a trophy and certificate of appreciation.
#award #Maulidur Rasul #Syaikh Ismail Muhammad