Malaysians won't leave this country, Gerakan tells extremists

Teoh El Sen
Oktober 26, 2013 05:30 MYT
Gerakan today attempted to remind itself and voters that it was a party that fights for a moderate Malaysia and rejects extremism, including NGOs such as Perkasa.
“Let me make clear, in front of all of you today, that we are all Malaysians and no Malaysian will ever have to leave this country simply because he does not agree with any policy or approach,” said outgoing acting president Datuk Chang Ko Youn.
“We are all Malaysians, citizens of this nation, and no one can take that away from any us,” he said.
Gerakan today is having its polls where some 2,000 delegates will elect its top leadership, results which will be known by tonight. Chang is not going for the presidency.
Yesterday, the Gerakan Youth and Wanita chiefs were elected.
In his opening speech for the Gerakan 42nd National Delegates Conference, Chang evoked the Merdeka spirit of the founding fathers such as Tunku Abdul Rahman, saying that the latter never backed down in the face of extremism and communalism.
“Every time we disagree on any issue, it is most unfortunate that extremists like Perkasa gleefully challenge the non-Bumiputeras to either return to their ancestral lands or migrate to a third country.”
“Such taunts do not only hurt but it is bad for social cohesion and harmony,” he said.
Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali had previously asked those who disrespected Bumiputera rights and the social control to return to their ancestral countries. In 2010, Ibrahim had even called former Gerakan chief Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon ‘anti-Malay’.
At a press conference later, Chang was asked if his speech was a direct call to Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Najib Razak to ‘fight Perkasa’.
“Prime Minister has made it known he stands of moderation. Perkasa is not UMNO or BN. It is just another NGO that has unusual stance in Malaysia,” he responded.
Chang likened Perkasa to the Tea Party in United States which he said was “a very right wing political movement” which “does not reflect the majority view”.
“We should actually confront and condemn Perkasa... we are prepared to engage Perkasa to change their mindset and debate, talk it out,” he said.
Pressed on Najib’s silence over certain incendiary speeches by Perkasa, Chang said he was not sure if Najib criticised Perkasa openly but said that BN “certainly” does not endorse or share Perkasa’s views.
Chang added that his rejection of extremism extends beyond Perkasa but also non-Malay NGOs which are “equally bad” and lead to more division.
“We must always be Malaysian first, Chinese, Malay, Indian second. That is the way to build up Bangsa Malaysia.”
During the 13th General Election on May 5, Gerakan only won one out of 11 Parliamentary seats it contested— Simpang Renggam. It has now three out of 21 state seats it contested.
#chang ko youn #election #GERAKAN #Malaysia #Najib Razak