Malaysian peacekeepers must be alert to mid-east geopolitical changes

September 11, 2016 23:41 MYT
Defence Deputy Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Johari Baharum said any unexpected change would impact directly on the assignment of the peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon. - FILEpic
The Malaysian Peacekeeping contingent, MALBATT 850-4 which will embark on a mission of peace in Lebanon has been reminded to be alert and sensitive to the sudden geopolitical and geostrategic changes in the Middle-East.
Defence Deputy Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Johari Baharum said any unexpected change would impact directly on the assignment of the peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon.
"Therefore, we hope the new contingent is able to adjust as soon as possible and carry out the mission entrusted to them," he said at the handing-over of duties from MALBATT 850-3 to MALBATT 850-4 at Camp MALBATT Ma'rakah, about 80km from Beirut on Sunday.
He also believed the weather difference in the country of four seasons and dealing with various people from other countries serving there would not break the spirit of the peacekeeping mission assigned under the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL).
MALBATT 850-3 led by its commander, Colonel Reizal Arif Tan Sri Ismail comprised 820 officers and men of the Malaysian Armed Forces, 28 men from the Royal Brunei Armed Forces and a civil servant who were assigned to maintain peace and stability since Sept 14, last year.
Speaking to Bernama and RTM, Reizal Arif said since taking over the duties and responsibilities assigned, his team managed to carry out their duties without any incident and managed to reach out to the people in harmony to ensure stability and security of the local community.
"The excellent performance by MALBATT 850-3 can be translated into the execution of operations, community service, civil-military cooperation (CIMIC) involving educational assistance and skills training, Immediate Impact Projects as well as various efforts involving security missions, including 12,545 patrolling activities since last year," he said.
MALBATT 850-3 was given a designation and a new camp in the western sector of UNIFIL (UNP2-1), namely Camp Ma'rakah under the control of UNIFIL Sector West headquarters.
MALBATT 850-4 headed by its Commander, Colonel Nazim Mohd Alim has a manpower of 850 officers and men, including two officers and 28 men from the Royal Brunei Armed Forces.
When met, Nazim said the duty of his team was to enhance the integrity of the nation and maintain the excellent image of the Malaysian Armed Forces and complete the mission given.
The Malaysian Armed Forces has been participating in the UNIFIL mission since 2007 to assist peacekeepers from other United Nations member countries to enforce Resolution 1701 of the United Nations Security Council.
#beirut #lebanon #Malaysian Peacekeeping #MALBATT #Mohd Johari Baharum