Malaysian medical students in Indonesia apply for exit exam exemption

Mei 29, 2020 15:11 MYT
Malaysian medical students in Indonesia are applying to the Indonesian government to consider their exemption from sitting the exit exam.
Malaysian medical students in Indonesia are applying to the Indonesian government to consider their exemption from sitting the Medical Profession Program Student Competency Test (UKMPPD) or better known as Exit Exam.
A student representative who wished to be known as Anne is one of the students in Medan said this followed the constraint of COVID-19 pandemic while the exit examination is not a condition to obtain employment in the medical field in Malaysia which does not require a pass in the test.
"Actually, the UKMPPD is a test required for graduates who wish to practise as doctor in Indonesia. For us Malaysian students, the examination is not a compulsory condition to become a doctor in Malaysia.
"Earlier, for a medical degree from Indonesia, there is no need to sit for the test before convocation. But since 2016, one of the conditions to obtain the degree and attend the convocation is the requirement to sit for exit exam," she said when contacted by Bernama.
Anne said she and her friends had returned home since the end of March after being told the test scheduled in May was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, according to her, they received a notice early last month from the body conducting the examination, Panita Nasional UKMPPD which announced that the test would be held in August.
"We fervently hope the Indonesia government will consider exempting us from the UKMPPD examination. If we were compelled to return to Indonesia to sit for the test, it would entail travelling cost and we would be exposed COVID-19 risk," she said.
Another student leader, Jerry from a university in Jakarta said he has covered all learning syllabI and it would appear to be a waste of time waiting to sit for the examination before convocation.
"We have completed all syllabi including three years of theory and had undergone practical for two years. All these have met the university requirement.
"Now, its like a waste of time to wait for UKMPPD examination before obtaining the degree when the test is not required for us to obtain employment in the industry. If we do not have to wait for the test, maybe we would have obtained the degree and can register with Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) for housemanship in Malaysia," said Jerry who also hoped to be exempted from the test.
UKMPPD is a compulsory requirement for graduates in the final year for medical degree in Indonesia before obtaining the practice approval as medical practitioner and the test is mandatory for foreign students including from Malaysia even if the test is not recognised by the education system of other countries.
#COVID-19 #Exit Exam #housemanship #Indonesia #Malaysian Medical Council #Malaysian students #Medical Profession Program Student Competency Test #MMC #UKMPPD