Malaysia will ensure Azimuddie Kiram brought to justice

Aizat Sharif
Mac 16, 2013 05:01 MYT
No matter where the Sulu terrorist leader, Azimuddie Kiram is hiding, Malaysia will make sure that he will be brought to justice and be responsible for what he have done.
Sabah Police Commissioner, Datuk Hamza Taib said Malaysian authorities will still continue with the efforts to bring him to the court and facing the law.
He referred to earlier report stated that Azimuddie had fled to Southern Philippines on no longer i n Lahad Datu, Sabah
The report was then denied by the terrorist spokeperson, Jamalul Kiram III who claimed that Azimuddie is still in Lahad Datu.
“Since day one, I have never trusted Jamalul Kiram. Even if he (Azimuddie) is there in Philippines, there is no problem for us to extradite him to Malaysia as we have come up with the investigation papers.
“The matter will be dealt according to our law and he will be charged in our court.”
As a result of the good cooperation between Malaysia and the Philippines’ government, Azimuddie will be brought to Malaysia to face the charges.
Chief of Malaysian Army, General Tan Sri Zulkifeli Md Zin revealed that the head of the Sulu terrorist, Agbimuddin Kiram had escaped to Philippines yesterday.
Reports of his escape came after intelligence found that Agbimuddin had abandoned his troops fighting the security forces in Lahad Datu.
However, the report was quashed by Jamalul Kiram III who said that Azimuddie was still alive and well in Lahad Datu.
Meanwhile, security forces arrested a man believed to be a Sulu terrorist in Felda Sahabat 17 area today.
“The suspect was arrested at 6.30am, when security forces were conducting their operation in the area and he has been taken to the police station for further investigation,” said Hamza.
The ‘mopping-out’ operation is still being conducted and it has now been narrowed to Tanjung Batu especially at thick bushes and palm oil plantation areas
“Kampung Tanduo and Sungai Nyamuk have been ‘cleared’ and we hope the operation can be completed by this evening or at least tomorrow,” he said.
He added that despite the clearing, residents are not allowed to enter as matters are still being discussed with the security committee.
Security forces believe the terrorists have now been divided into several small groups and their manpower has gone down to about 50 people.
There are 10 more bodies of the terrorists that have yet to be retrieved from the area. Another three bodies were discovered inside graves yesterday.
“The bodies are not new but of those who died during the gun battle on March 1. We found 12 bodies but with the additional bodies, we believe 15 terrorists were shot dead during the battle,” said Hamza.
Since the standout, 61 terrorists have been killed and 104 terrorists and individuals linked with the terrorists group have been arrested under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012.
Another 232 people linked with the terrorists group have also been arrested for different offences.
#Azimuddie Kiram #Datuk Hamza Taib #Lahad Datu #police #Sabah