Malaysia on right track in tackling corruption

Disember 20, 2022 08:43 MYT
For the past five years, we find that Malaysia has been on the right path in its efforts to curb corruption, Malaysia Corruption Watch (MCW) president Jai Abdul Karim said. - BERNAMA
JAKARTA: Malaysia remains on the right track in its efforts to tackle corruption activities for the past five years, said Malaysia Corruption Watch (MCW).
Its president Jai Abdul Karim said the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) have stepped up investigation, arrests, and prosecution to stem corruption in the country.
"For the past five years we find that Malaysia has been on the right path in its efforts to curb corruption," he told the media after visiting the Corruption Eradication Commission of Indonesia in south Jakarta today.
The non-governmental body has suggested Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim take on a more strict stance towards the offenders to ensure Malaysia is recognised as a country with integrity and strong morals.
"It's our hope that the government will do its best for the future of the people and the country," he said, adding that such an approach will regain the confidence of foreign investors to undertake business in Malaysia.
The founder of MCW hoped that politicians would not interfere with the MACC investigation but provide the necessary support and information regarding the latest cases.
He believes MACC is doing its best to ensure that the investigations are wrapped up quickly so that politicians can focus on their duties in Parliament.
"The public cannot afford to be dealing with politics all the time and we should focus on nation-building. Corruption cases involving politicians need to be concluded as soon as possible," he said, when asked about the MACC's investigation into the RM92.5 billion COVID-19 management fund spent in 2020 and 2021.
Jais together with 24 other members consisting of professionals and academics arrived in Jakarta on Sunday in conjunction with International Anti-Corruption Day, after their last visit in 2017.
They also paid a courtesy call to the Charge d'Affaires of the Malaysian Embassy, Adlan Mohd Shaffieq.
The three-day visit aims to exchange views and learn and evaluate the latest programmes implemented by anti-corruption agencies in Indonesia and a report will be submitted to MACC and the government.
#corruption #MACC #Jai Abdul Karim #International Anti-Corruption Day #English News