Malaysia collaborating with Sanofi Pasteur to produce dengue vaccine

November 6, 2014 00:03 MYT
SUBRAMANIAM: The ministry was also conducting a more detailed study on papaya leaves.
Several collaborations have been fostered to produce a dengue vaccine in efforts to eradicate the disease completely, said Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam.
He said the collaboration also involved Sanofi Pasteur, the largest vaccine manufacturer in Europe, in Dengue Vaccine Clinical Study (Phase III).
The company on Tuesday announced the release of the world's first dengue vaccine which was now in the process of production and in the final stage of clinical studies.
"Clinical studies on the vaccine involves study centers in Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. Malaysia is among countries selected for the study besides Singapore and Thailand," he said when winding up debate on the 2015 Supply Bill at the Health Ministry level in Dewan Rakyat on Wednesday.
Subramaniam said the ministry was also conducting a more detailed study on papaya leaves, which has shown positive results and proven to help treat dengue fever.
"In addition, research will also be conducted to check on the efficacy of papaya leaves to treat other diseases," he said.
Commenting on the colleges of nursing which are not recognised, Subramaniam said all private institutions are required to go through the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and the Nursing Board of Malaysia (LJM) to ensure the institution met the conditions set in the 'Guidelines on the Standard & Criteria for Approval/Accreditation of Nursing Programmes July 2010.
"When in clinical areas, students are also monitored by the Facilities Unit Division of Nursing to ensure that they meet the requirements and comply with the stipulated guidelines. Only those registered with LJM will be considered to work as nurses," he said.
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