Make agriculture a career choice, Saravanan urges youths

Julai 1, 2017 22:57 MYT
Malaysia has the best platform for agricultural activities in terms of its secure position from major disasters and the various government assistance offered. - Photo for illustration purpose
Agriculture should be one of the career choices of the young because it has proven to provide a lucrative and steady income, said Deputy Youth and Sports Minister Datuk M. Saravanan.
Saravanan, who is also the founder of the New Affirmative Action Movement (NAAM) Foundation, said the agriculture sector offered products that are always relevant and has a wide market for products that are used by everyone daily.
"Agriculture is the only field that can bring in profits and is relevant to the last man standing," he said in his address at the Indian Youth Agropreneur Transformation Seminar here Saturday.
In fact, Saravanan pointed out that Malaysia has the best platform for agricultural activities in terms of its secure position from major disasters and the various government assistance offered.
He also expressed concern over the dumping of foreigners who were employed in agriculture and livestock farms due to the lack of local youths who were willing to work in the sector.
According to him, NAAM was in the process of preparing young agropreneur groups by offering specialised courses and a special training centre to train young Indians in agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery sectors.
"Before the end of this year we aim to train 2,000 young people," he added.
#agriculture #foreigners #Indian #M Saravanan #NAAM #New Affirmative Action Movement Foundation