MAIWP ready to expand 'Jom Celik Al-Quran' programme

Julai 14, 2020 08:24 MYT
Syed Hussien says MAIWP is targeting 575 participants for its Jom Celik Al-Quran' programme at eight zones in the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan. --fotoBERNAMA
The Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP) will collaborate with other Islamic religious councils nationwide to expand the 'Jom Celik Al-Quran’ programme in an effort to improve Quran reciting skills among Muslims.
MAIWP chairman Datuk Seri Syed Hussien Alhabshee said the programme in the Federal Territories could be a source of ideas for all councils in the states, including Sabah and Sarawak, to organise dakwah and Al-Quran programmes.
"We want to be the catalyst for this kind of programme in Malaysia. As I said, after the programme was broadcast on the television and radio, we received encouraging response from those wishing to read the Al-Quran; we will not reject.
"For those from other states who wish to participate, we have 15 Islamic religious councils nationwide. So, we are ready to collaborate and use the Institute of Quranic Studies (IPAQ) as a platform to teach and educate,” he said at a press conference after launching the programme here yesterday.
Syed Hussien said MAIWP is targeting 575 participants for its ‘Jom Celik Al-Quran' programme at eight zones in the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan.
“The programme will run from July 18 to Sept 20, involving participants from asnaf (tithe recipients), new converts and members of the public at several locations,” he said, adding that the programme would be continued next year.
He said no charges will be imposed on participants from the asnaf group while for those from the B40 group, a small fee of as low as RM30 will be charged. Others who are interested to take part will have to pay RM300.
As the country is still under the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO), Syed Hussien said some of the classes would be conducted online and the rest held face-to-face in accordance with the standard operating procedure (SOP).
The programme, held in collaboration with IPAQ, will be conducted in three categories, namely ibtida’i classes that focus on those who cannot read the Quran, tahsini classes (those who can read but cannot recite the Quran) and training of trainers (TOT) (a course to guide teachers at MAIWP).
#Al-Quran #asnaf #B40 #dakwah #encouraging response #Federal Territories #Jom Celik Al-Quran #MAIWP #Muslims #programme #religious council #RMCO #SOP #Syed Hussien Alhabshee