MAA appeals government to allow automotive sector activities to resume with strict SOP

Julai 13, 2021 14:33 MYT
MAA said the longer automotive factories, workshops and distribution centres stop operating, the greater the damages inflicted on the automotive industry in particular and the country in general. - FREEPIK
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) is appealing to the government to allow automotive sector activities to operate at a certain capacity with strict standard operating procedures (SOPs) in states under the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) Phase One and Two of the National Recovery Plan (NRP).
The association said production and distribution of automotive products and sales of vehicles had halted since June 1, 2021, in which the stoppages of all these activities would have far-reaching implications to the entire automotive ecosystem nationwide.
"With factories and distribution centres for vehicles and parts in EMCO states or localities unable to operate, this will disrupt the supply chain to business operations in states and areas under phase one and two of the NRP," it said in a statement today.
It said the longer automotive factories, workshops and distribution centres stop operating, the greater the damages inflicted on the automotive industry in particular and the country in general.
Besides that, MAA said it has also proposed to allow a window of two to three days per week for receiving and storing cargos for the automotive sector similar to the practice during Movement Control Order 1.0 last year.
"The Malaysian automotive industry is heavily dependent on the domestic market. Export markets exist but are insufficient to sustain the industry," it said.
Nevertheless, the association said it applauded efforts taken by the government to contain the spread of the COVID-19 and all the assistance given to both businesses and the rakyat to mitigate the adverse impact arising from the pandemic.
#Malaysian Automotive Association #EMCO #COVID-19 #business #SOP #NRP #English News