Limbless Vujicic tells Malaysia: There is hope!

Teoh El Sen
Mei 22, 2013 19:34 MYT
World renowned limbless motivational speaker Nick Vujicic continued to spread his message of ‘hope’ to young Malaysians, telling the country that it was capable of going higher without needing to wait for others.
Vujicic, the 30-year-old founder of ‘Life Without Limbs’, was down in Malaysia this morning to share his inspirational life stories with a few thousand students in Sunway University, with his presentation telecasted live in lecture halls in Johor and Ipoh as well.
The Christian evangelist spent only a day in Malaysia, having arrived at 7pm last night and left for Vietnam for another talk in the evening.
More than a thousand students filled the campus auditorium as Vujicic made the crowd gasp, laugh and cry with his stories of hope, love and faith.
“I want to inspire Malaysians to help Malaysians,” said Vujicic, responding to a question on his hopes for Malaysia's progress.
“Every nation, at every level can improve. We’re talking about disability awareness, integration, and more hope for the people, this includes Australia and America,” he added.
Vujicic said every country has a lot of needs but rather than waiting for someone to help, we need to be the first people to help our own people.
His mission and focus were on the next generation and how every single youth should realise the ‘truth of their value’ by focusing on their destinies.
Sharing anecdotes of his condition, a rare disorder characterised by the absence of all four limbs, Vujicic made the audience laugh with a story of how he told a kid who asked him “What happened (to you)!” with a simple: “Cigarettes!”
He also shared how he once tricked a woman in a car beside him by swiveling his torso 360 degrees.
On a serious note, Vujicic also spoke about how he contemplated suicide at the age of eight and attempted it two years later.
However Vujicic did not follow through as he decided then to forge on with life, together with his loved ones and faith in God.
During his talk, he questioned the crowd about the number of people who contemplated and attempted suicide. By a show of hands in the hall, Vujicic said that it showed that one in five had actually tried to kill themselves.
“About 80 people in this hall had tried to kill themselves because somebody put them down,” said Vujici, stressing how teasing others ‘was not cool’.
“Why do we do that? Putting someone down, let’s be honest. If no one ever teased you, would you be confident that you would have never teased someone? What’s so ‘tough’ about teasing someone else?”
He said that it was important to love oneself and then love others while helping to inspire as well as change the lives of others.
“You are precious, there’s only one of you out there. So, love yourself and give yourself a chance, then help raise up someone else’s life,” he said.
Throughout the presentation, there were many who had tears in their eyes during some touching moments.
Vujicic responsed to questions like “How do you love yourself when nobody loves you?” and “What do you see when you look at me?” and “How do you block all the negativity in life?”
Vujicic said “I love you” to everyone, and answered all these questions before being whisked away, all the while waving and smiling.
And his last message for Malaysians today?
"To all Malaysians, I love you so so much. You don't know what beautiful things could come out from your broken pieces... the greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Take heart, take courage, dream big, and never give up."
#inspire #limb #Malaysia #motivation #nick vujicic #sunway university