The shipment of Li-ion batteries transported from Penang to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) did not undergo additional security screening before being loaded as cargo onto MH370.

According to the factual information released by the Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation for MH370, the batteries from Motorola Solutions Penang were "not regulated as dangerous goods because the packing adhered to the guidelines as per Lithium Battery Guidance Document".

"The shipment did not go through security screening in Penang but was inspected physically by MASKargo personnel and went through Customs inspection and clearance before the truck was sealed and allowed to leave the Penang Cargo Complex," the information said.

The factual information was released together with the interim statement of the investigation.


According to the information, the batteries which were assembled on March 7, 2014 were transported to KLIA by MASKargo truck and arrived at the KLIA Cargo Complex on the evening of March 7, 2014.

There were two different models of Li-ion battery consignment on MH370 on March 8, 2014, namely the PMNN4073AR Li-ion batteries rated at 7.4V, 11.8Wh and PMNN4081BRC Li-ion batteries rated at 7.4V, 11.1Wh.

Of the total consignment of 2,453 kg, only 221 kg were Li-ion batteries, while the rest were chargers and radio accessories.

It was noted that there were 99 shipments of lithium-ion batteries on MAS flights to Beijing from January to May 2014.

There was also a special load of 4,566 kg of mangosteen carried on board MH370, which originated from Muar in Johor and Sumatra in Indonesia.

According to the factual information, the mangosteens were packed in plastic baskets of eight to nine kg per basket before being loaded on to the trucks which proceeded to the MAS Cargo Complex at KLIA.

The baskets were loaded into four Unit Load Device (ULD) containers that were then inspected by the Federal Agriculture Marketing Authority (FAMA) of Malaysia.

"After obtaining the clearance, the forwarding agent handed over the consignments to the MAS loaders to load them into the aircraft," it said.

It also stated that there were a total of 85 shipments of mangosteen to Beijing, China from January to May 2014.