Laws governing phase two of MCO gazetted - AGC

April 14, 2020 08:10 MYT
The AGC statement listed four laws to be in force for the period of April 1-14.
The Attorney General's Chambers (AGC) has gazetted the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the local Infected Areas) (Extension of Operation) Regulations 2020 for the second phase of the Movement Control Order (MCO) from April 1 to April 14.
The AGC, in a statement last night, also said that for the third phase from April 15 to April 28, the respective laws are being prepared.
The AGC was responding to the statement made by lawyer, Datuk N. Sivananthan in the article, "New gazette needed to enforce phase 3 of MCO, says Bar", published by a portal Monday.
Among others, the article stated that while the AGC had gazetted the law for the first phase of the MCO from March18-31, it did not do so for the second and the third.
Without that process, it appears to denote that there were no further extensions since April 1, the lawyer said.
The AGC in its statement listed four laws to be in force for the period of April 1-14.
1) Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Declaration of Infected Local Areas) (Extension of Operation) Order 2020
2) Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas) (No. 2) Regulations 2020
3) Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas) (No. 2) (Amendment) Regulations 2020
4) Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Regulations 2020 (Compounding of Offences) (Amendment)(No.2) Regulations 2020.
#AGC #attorney general #Bar Council #COVID-19 #gazette #infection #infectious diseases #laws #lawyer #MCO #Movement Control Order #N Sivananthan #Portal #Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases