Kelantan needs qualified company to replace old water pipes - Tuan Ibrahim

Februari 20, 2021 01:42 MYT
Tuan Ibrahim said the pipe replacement project is under a plan involving RM1.7 billion allocation sought by the state government through grants from the central government. Filepic/AWANI
KUALA LUMPUR: Kelantan has to seek the cooperation of a qualified company to carry out the project to replace old water pipes in the state, said Environment and Water Minister (KASA) Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man.
Tuan Ibrahim said the cooperation is to address the issues of water supply disruptions, low water pressure and low water quality faced by the people for a long time.
"I found the source of the problem is the old pipes with some more 40 years old.
"They have to be replaced even though the cost is enormous as the myriad of problems is endless," he said.
Tuan Ibrahim was speaking in a live Facebook broadcast for the first episode of the Green Talk titled Sustainable Living. a Commitment of Malaysians produced by Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre (MGTC) yesterday.
He said the pipe replacement project is under a plan involving RM1.7 billion allocation sought by the state government through grants from the central government.
"I have discussed with the Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and hoped he would consider the application," said Tuan Ibrahim who is Kubang Kerian MP.
#Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man #KASA #Green Talk #Sustainable Living #MGTC #Muhyiddin Yassin