Kedah allows congregational prayers of not more than three people in mosques

April 17, 2020 10:02 MYT
Kedah mufti Datuk Syeikh Fadzil Awang said the provision which had the consent of Sultan Kedah was effective immediately. - Astro AWANI photo
All mosques in Kedah are permitted to hold congregational fardhu (compulsory) prayers of not more than three people which comprises the imam and two members of the mosque committee during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period.
Kedah mufti Datuk Syeikh Fadzil Awang said the provision which had the consent of Sultan Kedah, Al Aminul Karim Sultan Sallehuddin Ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah was effective immediately.
“Although the number of people in this congregation is smaller than usual, it meets the religious requirements for congregational prayers. I also want to remind that there must be social distancing of one metre between the worshipers as stipulated by the Health Ministry.
“Only people who are healthy are allowed to participate in the congregational prayers in the mosque and this permission is only for the fardhu prayers, not for the Friday and Tarawih (during the month of Ramadan) prayers,” he said.
Syeikh Fadzil was speaking after handing over food contributions to security forces on duty at a roadblock here today.
However, he said, the permission was only for mosques while surau in the state are still not permitted to hold congregational prayers.
He added that the permission was also subject to the prevailing COVID-19 situation in the country.
“If after this, the situation improves, then Tarawih and Friday prayers can be held, but if the COVID-19 pandemic worsens, then the permission for the three-person congregational fardhu prayers may be withdrawn,” he said.
Syeikh Fadzil also urged Muslims not to be saddened about not being able to perform the Friday and Tarawih prayers in a congregation in the mosque as they can still do so at home with their families and earn the same pahala (religious rewards).
What is important, he said, was that all Muslims must work together to curb the spread of COVID-19.
#congregational prayers #COVID-19 #Health Ministry #Kedah mufti #MCO #mosque #Movement Control Order #Ramadan #Sultan Kedah #Syeikh Fadzil Awang #tarawih