The Road Transport Department (JPJ) has collected a total of RM8.5 billion in non-tax revenue for 2018 and 2019, the Dewan Rakyat was told.

Giving the detailed figures, Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong said of the total, RM4,317,189,192.16 were collected last year, and the remaining RM4,233,171,543.31 were collected in 2018.

“The collection through JPJ physical counters for both years totalling RM5,028,984,496.37 or 58.82 per cent.

“Right now, the JPJ physical counter service is available at 15 state JPJ headquarters, 65 JPJ branches and 19 UTC (Urban Transformation Centres),” he said in reply to Anthony Loke Siew Fook (PH-Seremban) during question time.

Loke had wanted to know the figures of tax and non-tax revenues collected by the JPJ in 2018 and 2019 and the amount collected at JPJ physical counters, online channels, MySikap JPJ and private online channels.

Elaborating, Wee said the non-tax revenue collection include the fees for the issuance of driving licence, fees for registration of new motor vehicles, fees for licence renewal, and payment of summonses.

“During the same period, RM329,359,953.44 or 3.8 per cent of the non-tax revenue was collected through the online Sikap JPJ channel, while another RM3,192,016,285.17 or 37.33 per cent was collected via private online channels,” he said.

We said among the private online channels were the those provided by MyEG, POS Malaysia Berhad, Puspakom, Touch’N’Go, e-Payment, e-Daftar, and internet banking.

In reply to Loke’s supplementary question on whether the government agreed to extend the Motor Vehicle Licence period or giving a discount for it in the 2021 Budget following the implementation of the nationwide Movement Control Order, Wee said:

“The government will discuss the matter with the Finance Ministry. We will have to see the government’s financial capability...that is something that should be considered before making any decision.” - BERNAMA