The people in Johor need not to panic or worry as the water supply in the state is still sufficient to meet their demands despite the dry weather due to the El Nino phenomenon.

Syarikat Air Johor Holdings Sdn Bhd (SAJ) corporate communication chief, Jamaluddin Jamal, said: "Most of the dams in the state are stable, water supply still sufficient, the public need not to worry."

However, Jamaluddin said the SAJ would continue its observation and monitoring activities on two dams, namely the Sungai Lebam Dam and Sungai Layang-layang Dam, where the water levels had dropped to below critical.

As at today, the water level at Sungai Lebam Dam had dropped to 10.48m, below the critical level of 12.27m, while the water at Sungai Layang-layang dropped to 20.88m below the critical level of 23.50m, he said, adding that water rationing would only be implemented as the last resort.

More information for water supply status in Johor can be obtained by contacting SAJ toll-free line 1800-88-7474 or by sending email to