The Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar has called on the state government to conduct a study and produce a long-term water management plan that would ensure continued water supply for future generations.

Sultan Ibrahim said each household should be encouraged to have a rainwater collection system for external use while the state government should control land clearing activities in water catchment reserve areas to ensure good quality water supply.

"Of late, the public often complain about disruption of supply of clean water. Although we cannot control climate and weather changes, we can take proactive steps to tackle the problem of lack of water supply," said Sultan Ibrahim.

He was speaking at the opening of the first meeting of the fourth session of the 13th Johor State Legislative Assembly at Bangunan Sultan Ibrahim here Thursday.

Sultan Ibrahim said the people must appreciate water and avoid wastage, and clear water should not be used to water plants or clean vehicles excessively.

The Sultan also advised the people of Johor to change their attitudes and grab jobs which had been created by the rapid development in the state.

He said from his observation, there were still people in the state who were narrow-minded and did not appreciate development, but felt that it only benefited foreigners.

"Today, the job opportunities have increased, and business possibilities have been opened up for everyone. The people must change and grab them. Chance favours the prepared mind," he said.

Sultan Ibrahim also commented on traffic congestion in Johor Bahru and advised the local authorities to formulate a public transport management plan which provides for centralised parking areas and a more efficient public transport system.

MUST READ: Sultan of Johor envisions 'Bank of Johor' for housing loan

However, he lamented the problem of the poor attitude of undisciplined motorists including bus and taxi drivers who stopped their vehicles as and when they liked, car owners who parked on road shoulders and reckless motorcyclists.

"If the attitudes of the motorists cannot be changed for the better, I suggest that more stern and continuing enforcement action be taken. Do not just issue compounds, but suspend their driving licences or confiscate the vehicles," he said.

Sultan Ibrahim also urged the government to discuss and listen to the opinions of all parties in making a decision on a policy so that when it is approved, the government would stick by it.

He added that changes in policies would only cause a lack of confidence by investors to locate their businesses in this country.