Jihad against inflation showing positive results - PM

Ogos 27, 2022 05:46 MYT
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob today said the Special Task Force on Jihad against Inflation, created to help Malaysians deal with the rising cost of living, is beginning to show positive results. - BERNAMA
BERA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob today said the Special Task Force on Jihad against Inflation, created to help Malaysians deal with the rising cost of living, is beginning to show positive results.
He said the establishment of the special task force had succeeded in controlling the price hike and and guaranteeing adequate supply of goods, especially chicken and bottled cooking oil.
"The government continues to implement various initiatives to help the people face the cost of living challenge and inflation crisis that is affecting the whole world.
"The government expands and rebrands the Keluarga Malaysia Sales Programme (PJKM) to the Keluarga Malaysia Cheap Sale Programme (JMKM) involving 600 state constituencies across the country and 13 parliamentary constituencies in the Federal Territories," he said.
Ismail Sabri said this when launching the national-level Retail Sector Digitalisation Initiative (ReDI) Programme and the rebranding of JMKM programme here today.
The JMKM programme that starts in the third week of this month until December offers essential items up to 20 per cent below the local market price.
He said the government allocated RM80 million through five ministries as implementing agencies to make JMKM a success.
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